Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Home Tuition


Well, the first two sessions was good. Last night for Biology class buat revision je on Test Paper 1 for Chapter 3&4. Sebenarnya student Biology sorang ni faham the chapter content but her problem is on understanding the question's requirement.

Aku pun hairan kenapa cikgu macam kat sekolah tak ajar. But that was her previous school lah. Sekarang dia dah pindah ke SMK Putrajaya, I hope we can see some improvements lah.

Ketika mengajar Biology ni, memang terngiang-ngiang lah suara Mr. LHG time dia mengajar aku masa form 4 dan form 5 dulu. Every tips tu aku share dengan student ni. Dengan harapan, berkatlah ilmu yang aku turunkan kat dia. Amiin.


Mood aku lately dah improve dah. Mungkin sebab dah active kan hantar budak skolah, malam buat tuition lagi. I always have something to look forward to. Memang jarang dah lah nak ada masa for day nap.

Jadi jangan ingat kerja surirumah senang ye. Pagi hantar budak sekolah, balik tu kemas rumah basuh kain, masak, pastu tengok-tengok dah pukul 1 dah nak kene bersiap solat dan pick up kids from school. Lebih kurang lah simulasi raising a child. Untunglah orang yang boleh ada maid dan cikgu-cikgu tuition ni. Bolehlah rehat sebentar sementara kids kat tempat tuition. Yang ada maid pulak, rumah confirmlah sentiada bersih je and kalau nak, maid dah masakkan sekali.

But I do hope that these parents understand, dalam mengejar kecemerlangan dunia, jangan pandang remeh keperluan psikologi anak-anak yang perlukan perhatian.

Kids yang aku babysit ni recently cakap something yang buat sentap lagi. Pagi tu the day after Malaysia Day. Sekolah biasa kan tengah bercuti minggu tu. Tapi diorang sekolah lah kan sebab international school.

Keluar je daripada rumah, dia nampak banyak kereta jiran masih park kat luar rumah. Obviously ramai parents yang ambil peluang untuk bercuti dengan anak-anak. Probably out of town. Abang tanya,

"Auntie, orang lain semua cuti sekolah kan?"
"Haah. (sambil load their bags in the car and strap their safety belt)"
"Auntie, mama papa diorang pun cuti jugak ke? Banyak je kereta kat luar ni,"
"Haah. Ye kot. Usually they're off to work already kan at this time?"
"Hmm. Auntie, kan best kalau mama papa kerja petang je from 1-3pm. So that boleh hantar dan pick us up and spend time with us,"
"Yes. That would be lovely. But they have to go to work kan, baru ada duit nak save to go for holidays and celebrate birthday parties?"
"Ya, I guess so,"

Lepas tu aku terus tukar topik. Hopefully one day they can really understand lah why things are the way they are now.

Bila bercerita dengan jiran-jiran kat sini, anak-anak mereka semuanya cemerlang. Lepas balik sekolah, hantar sekolah agama. Ni ok lagi. But some tu hantar swimming training lah, music classes lah. Kadang-kadang aku fikir, bila lah bebudak ni ada masa just being kids?

Apa yang diorang tahu, life is always a rush. You have to be really good to make it in life. You have to have money to be happy.

We try our might to prepare them for life, but sometimes we tend to forget that they are just kids.


Jerebu lagi. Tekak pun dah ada kahak balik. Malam pulak bernyamuk walaupun tingkap dah tutup awal dan dah spray ubat nyamuk.

Mudahan sentiasa diberikan kesihatan yang baik.

I need to be strong.

"It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final," - Roger Babson.

Berserah kepada Allah, you are never alone.


Thursday, 17 September 2015



Hmm. Sekali lagi abandon pulak post kat blog ni kan.

So straight to the point - mesti musykil kan bila tengok blog title kali ni. :)


Lepas Raya haritu, one of my neighbour approached me and asked if I am interested to babysit her kids. So kira kidsitting lah. Both boys. Abang is 9 years old and adik is 6 years old. The routine is easy. Hantar pagi to school. Their school is nearby je around 10 minutes drive across the highway to Cyberjaya.

School finishes at 3.30pm. By the time we got home it would be 4pm dah. Then get the kids to take shower, solat and then come down for lunch. Lunch ni mum diorang dah preparekan and I only have to reheat je. Breakfast and lunch box pun mum diorg dah siap pack kan. After makan, their routine is to get their homework done.

I tanya la kenapa dah tak hantar pergi transit as usual. (I just want to gauge la kan what is going on). The mum said that van mahal and they refuse to send her kids home sebab just the two of them living on this side of the town. Other kids memang dah tinggal di Cyberjaya. Before this the van will pick up the kids from school and then drop them off kat transit place. Transit place ni pulak penuh dengan budak and they don't monitor homework at all. Diorang just....tempat transit while waiting for the kids' parents to pick them up.

I cakap I'll think about it and discuss with the husband dulu.

Husband said that's good, at least bolehlah do something kan? Dah setahun jugak dah I'm unemployed. Probably a good time to get up and do something. Halfway through tu I bercerita dengan kakak kat dobi taman kitorang ni. She said I can ask for RM250-350 per kid. I said ok lah kot. So the next time I jumpa my neighbor ni, I am ready with a figure.

Rezeki itu milik Allah. Alhamdulillah sangat2, the kakak actually offered me way better than the figure I had in my mind. Reason dia? Sebab aku ada degree and this is like way below me punya job. Syukur lah. It's a good offer so I accepted it.

3 September haritu first day of school diorang. A new year for them. Abang is in Year 5 and adik is in Year 2. Everything went well.

Pagi time hantar diorang pergi sekolah tu aku akan ajak diorang borak2. Macam-macam topik yang kitorang borakkan, science, history, geography, general knowledge and their experiences. Yang aku paling suka is ask their opinion on certain things. Sebab, aku tak ingat apa yang aku selalu fikirkan at that age.

Petang pun macam tu jugak. Ajak diorang borak sampai rumah. Mum diorang cakap, before this bebudak tu tido je dalam kereta. Problem is bila dah nap siang (on the way to school) and nap petang (coming back from school) ni, malam diorang lambat la nak tido. Bila lambat tido, lambatla nak bangun pagi kan? That's the challenge before this. Nak suruh bangun pagi sebab confirm akan cranky. Especially adik.

Now they have a steady schedule, by the time aku sampai rumah diorang, they are already in the kitchen finishing breakfast. Sometimes the mum tak sempat nak pack rice dalam lunch box diorang so aku tolong la sikit2. By 5.30pm parents diorang dah sampai rumah. I will report on their progress of the day and convey any notes from the teacher. Then I'll balik dah lah.

One of the day yang aku paling ingat happened like two days ago.

Usually aku drop off diorang je kat bay depan school canteen tu. But on that day, aku kene gi bookshop sekolah tu untuk beli additional exercise book then send him off kat gate kecik tepi administration building.

Salam, lepas tu say bye-bye.

"Okay auntie, bye bye, waalaikumsalam, I love you,"

That's what adik said to me.

Aku respond jugak balik "I love you too!"

On the way balik tu aku rasa sebak. Baru seminggu diorang dah so close to me. Tak tahu la kan aku je yang feeling lebih sedangkan budak tu mamai pagi.

I told his mum about it and the mum said elleh with mama takde plak macam tu.

Truth is, before this the kids ada cakap, its okay auntie Anne can just drop us off kat bay tu sebab mama pun selalu macam tu. Mama nak rush kan takut late to work.

Sedih jugak aku dengar. These kids really look like they crave for attention. But zaman sekarang ni to survive is not easy. So it is really understandable both parents had to work hard for the kid's future.

Private school ain't cheap yo! But I admire their determination to provide to the kids a better opportunity later on in their life.


Bulan lepas, the visit to the doctor pun not fruitful. Sampai dia tanya, dalam family ada orang stroke ke? Ada orang smoking ke? Aku cakap, neighbor je. Left and right pulak tu. She said please ask them to stop because this is not helping you. (tetiba pulak diorang ni tukar ke vape la kan before I can even find a way to get their wives to help me out). She asked me to come back again this cycle. Malangnya, this cycle coincide with Aidil Adhha and school holidays. My doctor ni memang akan ambil cuti sama macam her kid's school holidays.

So, next cycle it is.

Still hoping.

Tapi ternyata solat Dhuha itu sangat besar manfaatnya.

Now, the babysitting job dah spread among the suris taman ni and taman sebelah, and requests for home tutoring tiba-tiba bertambah. Time aku post ni pun husband tengah tutor anak jiran for Additional Maths and Physics.

Aku tengah study balik Biology jugak before I start tutoring next week. Another request, budak darjah 3, for English and Maths. Another one, primary 3 Science. All estimated to start next week. Revision for end of year exams.

Satu pintu rezeki tutup, banyak lagi Allah buka. It is up to you to grab the chance.

Amiin, Syukran ya Allah.
