Saturday, 20 June 2015

Because It's Ramadhan!


I will not take credit for this post as I got it from a friend's Facebook (Azura Abd Aziz).

Later I found out that the content comes from Nouman Ali Khan's video, "Ramadhan - A Gift to Muslims".

The reason I chose this as one of my many posts is I want to be able to read it again and again later and also to share it with you.

Many of us Muslims, think Ramadhan is a great way to lose weight, a month full of heavy iftars or even a month that has to be filled with exhausting tarawih prayers, but no, it isn't.

Ramadhan acts like a training programme for us. When you fast, you abstain yourself from food and drink (a form of physical exercise) and develop something spiritual in return.


Your body is basically battling with your heart.

Every single time you hear your stomach growling, it is the heart that tells you to be patient; and every single day in Ramadhan, your heart wins. 

And what lies in the true heart of a true believer? 

It is TAQWA.

How great is is when Allah subhanahuwata'ala gives you the opportunity every year to develop a consciousness of Allah in Ramadhan and even locks up the shaaitan for us to get good training?


If the shaaitan was out, we wouldn't last up to a week with this fasting and our hearts might never win. Ramadhan can even help the non-practising muslims to go through the other battles (addiction to entertainment, improper conversation on social media, etc.). If one of your friends asked you out to a wild party, you must have said "Bro, it's Ramadhan. Come back to me after 30 days,".

Because it's Ramadhan!

But above all, what does Allah readlly mention repetitively in the Quran? There it is again, TAQWA.
Why does he talk about taqwa over 200 times in the Quran but mentions only once about fasting in the al-Baqarah?

It's because we always fail to seek and develop that Taqwa in ourselves when we were given this perfect opportunity and beautiful month called Ramadhan.

Your heart always need a refresher every year because it always slips away from the path that it is supposed to be headed to. Allah does not want hardship for you, He wants ease for you. Some of you must be wondering how is it that Allah cares for you when He asks you to starve for A MONTH?

Well my dear friends, that ease he's talking about is the guidance that He promises you. And that guidance that He promises you comes from the taqwa that we're supposed to find in our hearts.

So, my dear friends, can this change your perception towards a difficult Ramadhan?

Not so difficult now, isn't it?


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