Wednesday, 30 March 2016



Just a few days ago kami dikejutkan dengan berita seorang rakan yang going through miscarriage at 15w of pregnancy. The news hit us hard and we actually cried. Bagi sesiapa yang pernah melalui miscarriages je faham perasaan tu. The wait for blood tests, the confirmation and reconfirmation through ultrasounds. Finally it came to the day when you have to decide method nak remove baby from the womb.

Husband teared up, lama jugak, because it is one of his bestfriend. Diorang baru kahwin tahun lepas. Kami jadi pengapit (rasanya ada cerita tu di SINI)

Lama jugak kami pause the show that we were watching on tv just to get through the emotional flood tu. Aku message the guy sebab takde number wife dia. I found out about the news pun sebab diorang share kat group whatsapp geng diorang (yang aku dah quit - maybe tak payah lah tahu kenapa kan?).

Esoknya diorang baru nak jumpa dengan doctor and since dah dua kali ultrasound, dah confirmed dah heartbeat dah takde. Latest news I got from them is the wife's instagram photo of them holding hands.

I hope they will go through this phase and come out stronger than ever. Kami tahu bukan senang. It took me awhile jugak nak recover dulu. It took me a week just to let reality sink in and then I don't know how many more months of endless crying and breakdown episodes. Semoga Allah memberikan kekuatan kepada mereka berdua.

Sedihnya sebab patutnya kami akan bersalin selang seminggu je.


So, this week dah 20th week. Baby menendang dengan cemerlang. Always ever so strong after food, cold water or just before bed.

Semalam time baby active tendang after dinner, I decided to pull husband's hand and place his palm on my tummy. Tak lama lepas tu baby tendang and he got excited. Dia senyum and macam signal "was that it?", aku angguk je and kitorang tak berani bersuara pun tapi senyum-senyum je tunggu next kick. Takde plak.

Husband flu lagi semalam. On MC. Kesian jugak dia. He told me his records always show MCs at the beginning of the year for the past 1-2 years. I told him my guess is the weather lah kot kan when it is so so hot.

Sekarang ni symptom paling tak best ialah heartburn dan sesak nafas. Baby makin besar dah. Bila sapu minyak kelapa di perut tu aku belek jugak get ready nak jumpa stretch marks. Alhamdulillah belum ada lagi. Maybe I should start measuring my tummy kan? Sekarang dah besar dah, macam frust pulak bila banyak seluar dah tak muat. I need to clear my wardrobe I think.

And yang paling mengecewakan sekarang ialah bila tengok collection RTW baju raya online yang cantik from this one seller yang aku sangat suka. I dont think I can fit into his clothes lah this raya. Been trying to find a matchy-matchy pair for us both. Adala jumpa semalam yang paling murah a pair at RM170. Cantik jugak. Will probably try to whatsapp the seller and ask for sizes.

So, thing is, what size should I buy considering I'll be a bulging 8 months pregnant mother during raya? :O


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