This is the long overdue post for our trip to Gold Coast (GC) in February 2015. Enjoy!
Ceritanya begini.
One morning in 2014 (dah tak ingat bulan apa), I woke up seeing husband smiling at me. Nice view la kan. Berbunga je hati ni. Haha! He told me that dia dah beli tike pergi GC semalam time I dah tido. I tanya why didn't he wake me up. Dia cakap takpelah. Nak buat surprise.
The ticket was from AirAsia's yearly big sale and the travel period will be a year away - February 2015. Lamanya lagi! Tapi takpelah. Boleh kumpul duit dulu supaya tak payah nak berbajet-bajet sangat nanti time bercuti, kan? Pening sebenarnya nak shopping/berjalan kalau asyik fikir pasal currency exchange ni. Kalau visit countries yang currency dia weak confirmla rasa kaya tapi kalau sebaliknya, susahlah sikit sebab nanti tak enjoy.
In 2014, tiba-tiba plan berubah lah pulak kan sebab pregnant la pulak! Estimated due date (EDD) time tu memang ngam-ngam during the week after we were supposed to return from GC. Tapi, kalau awal seminggu atau lewat seminggu pun it will not make any difference sebab bila dah 8 months pregnant confirm dah mengah and doctor dah tak bagi fly kan? So we thought takpelah. Burn je lah ticket tu. Tak mahal pun. For two person on return flight tickets total semua RM1600 je.
Then miscarriage lah pulak (aku rasa tak payah sugarcoat kot, past is past kan?). So the plan is back on.
Tapi ada lagi satu surprise. Sister-in-law (SIL-husband's only sister) decide nak kahwin. Bila? Yes! If korang dapat teka, memang story ni predictable. Hehe! Of course la pulak diorang terpilih tarikh yang kitorang supposed to fly to GC tu la kan?
Bincang punya bincang, husband dah tak nak delay lagi dah, so we bought another ticket (terpaksa la menanggung kerugian sikit but hey, this is meant to happen kan?), and brought forward the travelling date. Time SIL announce tu dah October/November, I think? Tanpa berlengah, husband beli tiket on the earliest possible that he can get, and that's in January. Alamak! Banyak stuffs nak kene arrange nih. Reason that he chose January sebab time tu projects masih slow and he can get away from the office lama sikit.
So, mungkin post kali ni kita cerita pasal preparation nak ke GC la ye?
Passport kitorang dah nak expired dah and for us to obtain the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) tu requires a valid visa because all information will be linked to our passports. Prepare a credit card sebab nanti nak buat payment and it will only cost you AUD$20. Nak suruh agent buat boleh jugak but I can't remember berapa. (Oh, jangan lupa check anda blacklisted tak untuk travel abroad - read: tak bayar PTPTN and blacklisted).
Nak apply for ETA: Please check this link.
Macam ni la rupa pengesahan daripada Jabatan Imigresen nanti. |
For activities, kitorang mintak je itinerary from friends yang dah pernah travel to GC ni. When you compare to what travel agents are offering, lebih kurang sama je the visits to all tourist attractions. Bezanya, anda lebih bebas memilih aktiviti. Yang paling penting, pengalaman kitorang pergi one of the parks, terlampau ramai sangat orang dalam satu tour group sampai ada yang merungut tak tengok habis lagi tapi tour guide dah tiup wisel panggil suruh gerak.
So, apa benda yang best kat GC? Of course lah it is famous for its theme parks! Jangan lupa check online for best offers. Some ada package untuk all 3 theme parks yang famous tu (Wet'n'Wild, MovieWorld, SeaWorld). Others macam Currumbin Wildlife Park, Paradise Country Farm, climb up Q1 tu korang boleh beli on the spot. Tak mahal pun.
Website untuk beli tickets: Please check this link.
Yang ni, ada kerugian sikitla sebab terpaksa beli entirely new flight tickets which costs us additional RM1500. Nangis sikit di situ. Reminder ye: jangan terlalu di brainwash oleh low-cost carrier offers. Kadang-kadang national carrier boleh je ada superb offers that you might miss! Read: check la airline lain jugak jangan gopoh okays.
Yang ni kitorang taklah memilih sangat sebab husband cakap since it is our first trip overseas, nak honeymoon special sikit. So he gave me a list of hotels yang dia dah usha awal-awal (semangat sungguh dia ni), so that I can screen them using TripAdvisor. We decided that we would like a cozy apartment-hotel-ish place to stay with the best view of the Pacific Ocean. So we narrowed down to two hotels. Husband cakap let's stay in one for a couple of days and then move to the other one, saje-saje nak tukar angin. Meriton Serviced Apartment on Broadbeach was our first place. Nanti boleh tengok gambar. Then we moved to Soul on Surfers Paradise. Initially I wanted to stay on Q1 supaya nanti boleh climb up - husband gayat + faktor cuaca + faktor harga = in the end tak jadi lah pulak.
Yang ni penting jugak in case nanti nak pakai untuk hotels / fine dinings or even shopping ke kan? Mine tak boleh nak increase to the amount that I wanted. Additional 50% je from the current limit. Hmm. Okaylah, peringatan untuk beringat bila berbelanja. Nak uruskan, senang je, call your respective credit card establishments and the request can be done over the phone. Approvals will not take more than 24hours rasanya.
Kitorang decide perlu jugak ada duit sikit untuk emergency kan instead of depend on credit cards je. I went to IOI City Mall's money exchange booths. The rates are ok la. 2.9 at that time. Remember to get them to break it into smaller change.
Please understand what type of insurance do you have or what does the insurance that you have bough from your airlines cover? On board sahaja atau onboard, on-land coverage. Kalau hospitalization, sampai berapa? Kalau lost baggages, berapa? What are the procedures? Important contact numbers saved on the phone. Penting ni sebab malang tak berbau. In your travel plans please also ensure you know where is the nearest hospital/medical facilities/police station/embassy contacts ye?
Hmm... Apa lagi ye?
Check if you need to be cleared off from any particular sickness/diseases or require jabs before entering a country. Countries like Australia is very strict on this including dalam flight nanti mesti ada announcement pasal the offence of bringing in any plant/animal which can introduce diseases into the continent. Iyelah, Australia continent yang besar. Kalau terbawak masuk virus terus habis pupus haiwan dan tumbuhan diorang, siapa nak bertanggungjawab?
Website such as this: Please check this link.
Yang penting, jaga kesihatan. Tak mahu la time travel nanti sakit ye tak? :)
Teringat pulak dua tahun lepas travel ke Thailand. Seminggu lagi nak pergi baru ada budak sound kenapa korang tak ambik lagi jabs tu before fly? (suntikan tu perlu ambik dua minggu sebelum travel). Tak tahu pun ada protokol gitu. Balik je dari Thailand, memang demam habis la sakit tekak bagai. I got cough and flu since Aug 2013-March2014. Sampai jumpa dua specialist, satu ENT and satu lagi Respiratory Physician sebab diorang dah suspect Tuberculosis. Na'uzubillahiminzalik. In the end they agrees it was only acute bronchitis, sent me home with inhalers dan ubat lain. Alhamdulillah sekarang dah sembuh. Tahun bersejarah jugak sebab first time pakai nebulizer kat klinik sampai nak tertido.
Kita sambung lagi nanti.
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